In BiViPsi we make available to users, in a bilingual version, the Alphabetic List of Descriptors of the Thesaurus of Psychoanalytic terms.
Why use the List of Descriptors for Searching?
Because it allows to find the keywords (descriptors) to adequately synthesize the documents and facilitate their location in the Database, constituting a bridge between the terminology of the author and the specific interest of the reader.
The language ambiguity, the multiple perspectives of a discipline, its continuous growth and the development of the themes, require the need for a controlled language that allows understanding and communicating.
The list of Descriptors belongs to the Thesaurus of the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association, which in 1990 prepared and edited the first version of the Psychoanalysis Thesaurus, and has continued updating it.
It is the only Psychoanalytic Thesaurus. It was acquired by many institutions in Latin America and Spain who use it to index their journals or their databases.