The Virtual Library of Psychoanalysis (BiViPsi) is a thematic portal specialized in Psychoanalysis that offers free and open access to its contents, its products and services, constituting a centralized memory of international psychoanalytic literature, open to exchange with all fields of culture and community.
The BiViPsi integrates a database destined to preserve and disseminate the scientific production of the psychoanalytic institutions members of the Latin American Psychoanalytic Federation (FEPAL) – International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA). It also incorporates and disseminates the publications of other external Editors. It is the only VHL (Virtual Health Library) of Argentina – and one of the first instances in Latin America – to introduce since 2012 the application known as iAHx for the recovery of search results. This is an interface developed by BIREME / PAHO / WHO that displays integrated, individualized, typified and ordered by different criteria the bibliographic records. Includes filters to refine the search, organization of results by relevance, date, language, and export results by email, among other features.
Allows the following operations:
>> Search in the database.
>> Full Text access.
>> Links to related institutions.
>> Ask the Librarian service.
All these attributes make BiViPsi a relevant resource for students and researchers in the Psychoanalytic field.
Historical review
Since the beginning of our Virtual Library in 2002, we have worked unceasingly an interdisciplinary team consisting of Psychoanalysts, Librarians and Computer Technicians belonging to the institutions of FEPAL -IPA.
In 2005 the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) granted us its sponsorship through the Developing Psychoanalytical Practice and Training (DPPT) Program.
It has been essential for this project the advice and technical collaboration of PAHO, through the VHL project in Buenos Aires.
In 2006 was featured the BiViPsi website. It has been recognized as a Thematic Virtual Library by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
Since 2017, BiViPsi has become an International Virtual Library, with the aim of spreading the scope of our contents beyond the Latin American regional field, incorporating publications of IPA Institutions and signing Agreements with external Institutions and Publishers on an international level.